Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 7 - Feb 24th

Reading week was great! Did lot's of computer science over the break. This blog is going to be on my reaction to "recursion".
I believe recursion is an integral part of computer programming because honestly, it makes life a lot easier if you're a computer programmer! During my introduction to recursion, I thought that recursion was just complicating things for me and everybody. Later, I realized the importance of recursion through the assignment and labs. When I tried doing the 'Assignment 1 - Ann Hoy's cheese problem', I tried to do the assignment without recursion because it was very complicated. Hence, I tried using the different approaches but failed miserably. So, I finally used recursion and it worked like a charm! Recursion added more efficiency, neatness, and laziness to my code! I learnt in class that, being lazy in your code is a very important characteristic to becoming a successful computer programmer! 

I think the reason I struggled with recursion is probably a reason every beginner in computer programming struggles with and that is recursion is a very "unimaginative" concept to the human mind. To clarify, the concept of recursion is too broad and super complex according to the standard human brain hence that is why computers can easily deal with recursive structure. I find that pretty cool! I am starting to like recursion now. It makes my code way more efficient.  

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