Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week 5 - Feb 3rd

This week was a terrible snow week. I was able to attend CSC148 only once this week. That class was very interesting as we covered more recursion and how to trace it. As mentioned in my previous blog post, I struggle with tracing at times, but last class gave me a fair insight on how to trace recursive calls. Subsequently, the lab was also a good experience as I got to apply what I learnt in class. However, the lab coding was challenging because it required thorough understanding of recursion which I did not have as of yet but by the end of the lab, I managed to complete the coding problem. Although I wanted to attend the second lecture this week, I was stopped due to the terrible snow storm (p.s. I am a commuter). 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week 4 - Jan 27th

This week was very fun and exciting in the world of CSC148. We covered the basics of recursion. I've never really experienced recursion before since it is my first time programming. However, I found it very simple to understand thus far. Moreover, my favourite part of this week was the application of recursion, playing with the "turtle" module. I found it really fascinating that we can use a simple recursion technique to draw millions of lines and hence, we can utilize the "turtle" program to draw and design many computerized pictures while saving a tonne of time doing it by hand. The world really needs computer science and programming. I think everyone should learn how to program.